Data Science A-Z™:- Real-Life Data Science Exercises Included

What are you learning?

  • Successfully apply all the steps in a complex data science project.
  • Make the Basic Tableau concept
  • Table Data Mining Performance
  • Understand how to apply Chi-square statistical tests
  • Use the least-squares method to create linear regression.
  • R-squared rate for all types of models.
  • Custom R-squared values ​​for all types of models
  • Create Simple Linear Regression (SLR)
  • Create Multiple Line Regression (MLR)
  • Create a dummy variable
  • Interpretation of MLR
  • Read the statistical program for developing advanced models
  • Use the inverse ellipse, forward selection, and two-dimensional deletion methods to create a statistical model.
  • Create logical regression
  • Understand logical regression logistic regression
  • Deal with false positives and false negatives and learn the difference.
  • Read the confusion matrix
  • Develop a Powerful Geomorphic Segmentation Model
  • Modifying independent variables for modeling purposes
  • The adoption of new independent variables for modeling purposes
  • Test multiple synchronization using VIF and connection metrics.
  • Understand the conscience of many straightforward relationships.
  • Apply the overall accuracy profile (CAP) to the model overview.
  • Create a CAP curve in Excel
  • Use training and test data to build powerful models.
  • Get insights from the CAP curve
  • Understand the ratio of difficulty.
  • Get business insights from logistic regression coefficients.
  • Understand how model errors really look.
  • Apply three levels of model maintenance to avoid model malfunction.
  • Install and transfer the MySQL server
  • Install and navigate through Microsoft Visual Studio Shell.
  • Clear data and detect abnormalities.
  • Use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to load data into a database.
  • Create a conditional distribution in SSIS
  • Handling Text Capability Errors in RAW Data
  • Create a script in MySQL
  • Implementing SQL on Data Science Plans
  • Creating Stored Procedures in MySQL
  • Introducing data science projects to stakeholders.


Only the spirit of success
All software used in this course is available for free or as a trial version.


Very hands-on training...incredibly practical...incredibly real!

This isn't one of those quick lessons where everything works the same and your training is simple. This course will take you to the top.

In this course you will first encounter all the difficulties that a data scientist faces on a daily basis. Corrupt data, anomalies, anomalies - you name it!

This course gives you a complete overview of your data science journey. After completing this course you will know:

How to clean up your data and prepare it for analysis.
How to implement basic concepts from your data.
Model your data
How to bend your data
And finally, how to present your results and reach the audience.
This course will give you a lot of practical exercises that will look like a real cake when you graduate from this class. This course includes homework exercises that are challenging enough to make you think and cry... but you won't miss them! Detailed In this course you will gain a better understanding of the following tools.
State Security Investigation
This course consists of pre-agreed work forms. These tracks will help you navigate the course and add sections to your journey that will give you the skills you need.

Or you can take a full course and prepare yourself for a great career in data science.

it is your choice. Join the class and start learning today!

see you inside


Carol Ermenko

This course is open to everyone:

  • Anyone interested in data science.
  • Anyone looking to improve their data mining skills.
  • Anyone who wants to improve their statistical modeling skills.
  • Anyone looking to improve their data preparation skills.
  • Anyone who wants to improve their data science offering.

Here is the download links
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Torrent software for windows -> Torrent Downloader

you can join over whats app group ->  FREE COURSES 2022

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