WooCommerce Smart Pack - Gift Card, Wallet, Refund & Reward

WooCommerce Smart Pack - Gift Card, Wallet, Refund & Reward
WooCommerce Smart Pack - Gift Card, Wallet, Refund & Reward

WooCommerce Smart Pack - Gift Card, Wallet, Refund & Reward

WooCommerce Smart Pack is a WordPress plugin that allows merchants to implement a wallet system, reward or refund customers, and sell an unlimited number of gift card products on their website. These features are split into four different extensions, and the extensions include WooCommerce Wallets, WooCommerce Refunds, WooCommerce Rewards, and WooCommerce Gift Cards. Each of these features can be turned on or off depending on the features requested on the website.


  • 26/09/2022 version 1.3.11
    - Gift Cards bug fix
    - Wallets fund deposit bug fix
    - Updated text-domain
    05/12/2018 version 1.3.10
    - Gift Card pdf bug fix
    - Gift Card email bug fix
    24/11/2018 version 1.3.9
    - Partial bug fix (wallet)
    13/10/2018 version 1.3.8
    - Order line item bug fix (gift card)
    - Updated plugin translation
    12/09/2018 version 1.3.7
    - Updated plugin core
    25/08/2018 version 1.3.6
    - Order status bug fix (gift card and and wallet)
    06/06/2018 version 1.3.5
    - Wallet partial payment bug fix (taxes bugs)
    - Wallet partial payment bug fix (others)
    26/05/2018 version 1.3.4
    - Giftcard form html bug fix
    11/05/2018 version 1.3.3
    - Giftcard form validation bug fix
    18/03/2018 version 1.3.2
    - Added translation file
    04/03/2018 version 1.3.1
    - Wallet partial payment tax bug fix
    - Gift card pdf template bug fix
    - Added variable product support to reward extension
    04/12/2017 version 1.3.0
    - Added gift card manager to the gift card extension
    - Added gift card delivery option to the gift card extension
    - Added gift card voucher payment method
    - Wallet extension shorcodes bug fix
    - Wallet admin order bug fix
    29/08/2017 version 1.2.2
    - Shipping methods bug fix
    - Partial payment bug fix
    - Order stock reduction bug fix
    01/08/2017 version 1.2.1
    - Added Email Template to Gift Card Extension
    - Added Partial Payment box to Wallet extension (on cart page)
    - Added Payment methods filter to Wallet (for partial payment)
    27/07/2017 version 1.2.0
    - Added Wallet funds threshold option (for partial payment)
    - Added Payment methods filter (for funds deposit)
    - Added Payment methods filter (for gift card products)
    - Added Payment methods filter to reward extension
    - Wallet extension bug fix
    - Reward extension bug fix
    - Gift Card extension PDF bug fix
    23/07/2017 version 1.1.2
    - Wallet extension bug fix
    19/07/2017 version 1.1.1
    - Reward extension bug fix
    17/07/2017 version 1.1
    - Added Gift card resend function
    - Added Gift card coupon balance checker
    14/07/2017 version 1.0
    - Initial Release

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