JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (2022 Update)

What you learn

  • Advanced JavaScript Tips
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Functional programming
  • Measurements and conditions
  • Inheritance + prototype chain
  • Updated: ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES2020, ES2021
  • Very cute
  • Asynchronous JavaScript + Event Loop
  • JavaScript modules
  • The word 'iri'
  • JavaScript engine and runtime
  • Poor communication
  • Stack overflow
  • Memory leak
  • Structure vs. Inheritance
  • Type coerion.
  • Pass through references to pass values.
  • High Order Jobs
  • if a
  • Call (), Apply (), Bind ()
  • Translator / Translator / JIT Builder
  • Garbage collection
  • لٹکانا
  • JavaScript settings are excellent.

Needs for course:

  • Any Device will work: Windows, -macOS or -Linux
  • Basic / Minimal understanding of JavaScript


Updated for 2022! This course is unlike any other JavaScript course you can find online. Join a dynamic online community of over 600,000 developers and take courses taught by industry experts who have already worked as senior developers in both Silicon Valley and Toronto. Graduates of this course now work at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JPMorgan, Facebook and other high-tech companies.

After many years of working with this language, Andre has decades of experience combining the best practices of the world's leading developers to make you one of the best developers of JavaScript. You want to move beyond understanding the basics of JavaScript to how you can teach others, impress peers, and engage potential employers. By the end of this course you will have found up to 10% of the best JavaScript programmers.

This course combines years of work in this field, combining the best resources, tools and tutorials to create the best JavaScript course that will teach you everything you need to know to become a great JavaScript developer. Is.

Instead of spending years learning the latest JavaScript concepts, you can track and learn faster from leading JavaScript developers in just 30 days.

With this course you will learn the basics, like most online courses. You will not only learn patterns, techniques and best practices. You will understand the "why" of the hardest part of the language, so when you are asked about JavaScript during an interview or meeting, you will be able to explain these concepts. You really are visible to people. You are a senior JavaScript programmer.

Most importantly, you go beyond the basics and become a top 10% JavaScript developer, covering a wide range of courses. We dig deep, and on the other hand we will meet a trusted advanced JavaScript developer. I guarantee it. Whether you are a web developer, React, Angular, Vue.js (interface developer) or server developer Node.js, you will benefit from this course because JavaScript is central to these professions.

The topics which are going to be covered in this course are:

  1. JavaScript engine

  2. JavaScript execution time

  3. Official Representative, Translator, JIT Translator

  4. Write better code

  5. Call stack + memory pile

  6. Hip overflow + memory leak

  7. Garbage collection

  8. Node.js

  9. Features ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES2020, ES2021

  10. Single threaded models

  11. Implementation context

  12. Literary environment

  13. Application limit

  14. Hesitate

  15. Call to work.

  16. Volume of work against block volume

  17. Dynamic range vs. words

  18. This call is (), apply (), bind ()

  19. I think

  20. Context vs. Scope

  21. Static and dynamic typing

  22. Ancient species

  23. Relationships and meaning

  24. By force

  25. Hello, work, stuff

  26. to close

  27. Inheritance of the prototype

  28. Class inheritance

  29. Note

  30. Advanced jobs

  31. Actions against objects

  32. Scheme + Java in JavaScript

  33. OOP (Object Based Programming)

  34. Private Property vs. State Property

  35. Functional programming

  36. fluctuation

  37. Required and Advertising Code

  38. Structure against heredity

  39. Clergyman

  40. Partial application

  41. Pure functions

  42. Background transparency

  43. Writing

  44. Pump

  45. Accuracy error

  46. Asynchronous JavaScript

  47. Loops, promises, harmony / expectations

  48. Event cycle + callback queue

  49. Task Row + Short Row Task

  50. Harmony + Harmony

  51. JavaScript modules

The topics you will learn in this course are timeless and will allow you to stay up to date with any new library or framework that comes with the JavaScript ecosystem as long as you understand the key concepts.

I guarantee you won't find such a detailed and well-defined course at the end of the course, and I guarantee you will reach the top 10% of JavaScript developers or You will get your money back! And remember

By joining this course, you will also have access to the largest online communities and full developer classes.

See you in session!

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Andre Udemy is one of the best web development courses as well as one of the fastest growing courses. Its graduates have continued to work for some of the largest technology companies around the world, such as Apple, Google, JP Morgan, IBM, etc ... They have been senior software developers in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years. Worked as He does, and now he uses everything he has learned to teach you programming skills and help you find the best career opportunities offered by a developer's life.

As a self-taught science programmer, he believes that the large number of online courses, textbooks and textbooks is not enough to teach unnecessary oral and related skills. Most people feel paralyzed and do not know where to start when learning a complex subject, or worse, most people do not know

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